Milk sickness is caused by cows eating White Snakeroot, and then nursing their young, who then get sick and sometimes die from the milk. The active chemical that causes milksickness is Tremetol. White County, TN was apparently pretty rough on cattle back in the day, between Milksick Mountain and the Calfkiller River. So, as a sort of tribute to the place where the water is coming from, I'm working on a series of stouts brewed with water from Milksick Mountain. I brewed the first one earlier this year, and it's currently cold-conditioning in the keg. My goal was to use the same grain bill with each of them and vary the yeast, adjunct sugars, and aging process.
Milksick Stout: Tremetol B
Batch Size (Gal): 5.5
Total Grain (Lbs): 19.00
Anticipated OG: 1.086
Anticipated SRM: 61.5
Anticipated IBU: 50
Wort Boil Time (min): 60
68.4% -- 13.00 lbs. Canada Malting Pale Malt
5.3% -- 1.00 lbs. Flaked Barley
5.3% -- 1.00 lbs. Flaked Oats
5.3% -- 1.00 lbs. Roasted Barley
3.9% -- 0.75 lbs. Chocolate Malt
3.9% -- 0.75 lbs. Pale Chocolate Malt
7.9% -- 1.50 lbs. Fruit Fast Montmorency Tart Cherry Concentrate
1.50 oz. Centennial (Pellet, 8.80% AA) @ 60 min.
Wyeast 3787 - Trappist High Gravity
Fermentis Safbrew T-58
Water Profile
11 drops Fermcap-S
- Brewed on Saturday, May 2, 2011
- Actual OG: 1.074
- 6:00 PM, 68F pitched full pack of 3787 and ~6g of T-58
- Fermentor is wrapped in a blanket, and the temperature controller is attached, but the intention is o let it go to whatever temperature it wants to go to, and I'll just hold it at that final temperature for a few days after the fermentation is finished.
- May 3, 7:00 AM, still 68F, 1.5 inch kraeusen on top. replaced airlock with blowoff tube, just in case
- May 3, 5:00PM, 72F. Apparently Fermcap is no match for WY3787. Blowoff tube was a good choice.
- May 4, 6:00AM, 80F.
- I never actually applied heat to this beer until it started cooling off. The beer peaked at 81F on May 4. Since then, I have held it steady at 80F, so that the yeast can finish out. This is a similar temperature to where Westvleteren ferments with this yeast, and around where I did my Dubble-Weizen last year, so it should be just fine.
- I killed the heat after the beer had been in the fermentor for 10 days or so.
- Thursday, May 26, I heated 1.5oz Medium toast Hungarian Oak cubes in 1/2 cup distilled water in the microwave for 3 minutes. Then added them to a secondary fermentor and racked the beer onto them. This will sit in the cellar for at least a month.
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