
Roasted Root Stew

This was for a get-together with the Nashville Smial (Tolkien fan group) around January 24, 2009.   The idea was to make something that hobbits would eat, and I was trying to aim for something sort of seasonal, too, so I decided to go with some perennial herbs (rosemary & thyme can handle pretty chilly weather) as well as some that are easily dried, and root vegetables. I don't know if hobbits would have sea salt, black pepper, and olive oil, but that's OK. It turned out delicious, though. This makes 3-4 servings.

4oz onion quartered
.1oz garlic, crushed, mostly whole
3.3oz parsnip, peeled and cut into 2-3 inch lengths, 1/2 inch wide or so.
5.3oz turnips, peeled and cut into 1-2 inch cubes
4.7oz carrots, peeled and cut pretty much like the parsnip
11oz small red potatoes, quartered
.18oz rosemary
.18oz thyme
3 small bay leaves
1T dry parsley (fresh would be better, but i don't have a lot of that, so i'll use it for the real one)
3T olive oil
1t sea salt
20 grinds black pepper

Combine in dutch oven. stir so everything has some herbs and oil on it. Bake at 400F without lid for 40 minutes. Stir at least twice.  Be sure to remove the thyme and rosemary from their stems, since it's a bit of a pain to do that once everything is cooked.

Remove from oven and add:

1 large pinch dry basil
1T (mounded) tomato paste
1 cup red wine
1/4-1/2 cup water

Bring to a boil and let it simmer back down for 20-30 minutes, until the sauce is nice and thick.  Serve with some good crusty bread.

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